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Use data to make better sales decisions, earn more revenue and grow faster
Sales used to be a “black box”, “the impenetrable domain of talented individuals”. Today’s sales world depends on gathering, interpreting and applying data. SalesWindow provides a capability to do just that.
SalesWindow makes effective, recording, reporting and forecasting possible and practical. SalesRelay is an app that enables the sales organisation to know what is really happening in the field without stealing time from sales activity. SalesCast is an app that improves conversion ratios through better opportunity selection and by tracking and stimulating the commitments the prospect needs to make.
Both apps are supported by strong analytical tools that impact on not only the sales result itself but on accurate forecasting.
Don't know if your sales people are in the right place, at the right time, selling the right product?
Concentration of effort is one of the three key levers of sales success. In one piece of research we identified salespeople converted 56% of meetings with buyer type A compared to 27% with buyer type B yet they spent most of their time meeting type B. This same team were 8 times more effective closing on Product X than product Y. If we know where our sales people are focusing their efforts we can redirect them to win more business more easily.
Need your team to be more efficient in covering their area?
Coverage is a key issue in challenging times. Do you need more people, fewer people or the same number doing different things. SalesRelay is showing one building materials client that one team of five probably needs to realigned to have 2 people staying on existing customers, 2 moving to new business and 1 moving to inside sales. Is your coverage at its optimum?
Need to progress from spreadsheets and paper so you can drill down through sales data in just a few clicks?
For some businesses pen and paper, or phone conversations or spreadsheets have been enough in the past. Going to expensive clunky CRM’s is just not the answer. SalesRelay can be the efficient, cost-effective, pragmatic answer.
Don't want to be left behind by your competitors?
Competition is intense as businesses battle it out for market-share and margin. Being able to deploy your salespeople into the right place at the right time is key. Get the best activity levels and concentration of effort while maximising selling time will give you competitive advantage.
Looking to increase your team's activity levels?
One of the quickest ways to lift the sales result is for your people to get in front of more customers. Research showed businesses using SalesRelay increasing the number of sales visits by 87%. That’s the equivalent of growing a sales team from 10 to 18 without increasing the wage bill.
Need your field sales team to concentrate on the must win deals?
All too often the biggest time stealer for salespeople is not admin but chasing deals that are either unattractive or can’t be won. SalesCast allows you to qualify out the least attractive opportunities, increasing resources for winning more must-win deals.
Often wonder if your team is going to hit their target at the end of the month?
Accurate forecasting is very difficult yet MDs and FDs need to know what is going to come in when. Sales Directors and Managers who can give reliable forecasts on timing and probability are highly valued by their businesses. SalesCast helps you do just that – especially on more complex sales.
Sales team spending too long doing their admin work when you need them selling?
Admin is a real pain for salespeople and (their families) often happening in evenings and weekends. Imagine the time saving and motivation of being able to complete actions from a visit in less than 90 seconds! SalesRelay saves valuable time and frees salespeople up for the important things in work and life.
Need to reduce the cost of sale?
Selling is expensive! The typical sales visit in UK costs £120. If you could get the same number of salespeople making 25% more calls your fixed costs come speeding down. SalesRelay allows you to increase call-rates (independent research indicated 87% improvement) and focus visits on the right opportunities.
Want to improve conversion ratios?
Improving conversion ratios grows the business, reduces cost of sales and motivates the sales force. One firm we worked with saw their main competitor convert 2/3 opportunities when they were at best at 1/3. SalesCast plots where your salespeople are in the sales cycle, identifies obstacles and opportunities an allows sales managers to provide support at the pivotal moments.
Work that Works
Our Results
Validated by Research
27% - 56% conversion ratio
86% uplift in call volumes sustained over a 12 month period
Forecasting accuracy can be improved by 22%
Let’s talk aboutyour challenges
Peak Performance Sales
Our Solutions
Recording & Reporting
Get richer insights from your sales team. Base sales management decisions on facts not opinions. Make the most of your sales resources.
From Data to Decisions
Increase in Productivity
87% Improvement in calls

Qualify opportunities on the basis of attractiveness and winnability
Identify obstacles and opportunities in the sales process
Provide support at the pivotal points
Improve forecasting accuracy

Book A Clarity Call
87% improvement in calls after using SalesRelay 87% improvement in calls after using SalesRelay
SFG exists because we believe good selling does good – good for the customer, good for the company and its stakeholders, good for the individual salesperson. Good selling means two things: selling with integrity and selling with professionalism. In a business world that is changing rapidly and radically the strategies, processes and skills that have served in the past need to change to deliver winning results in the future.